Well it has been a very busy couple of weeks around here. My American friends are celebrating their first long weekend of the summer today and we Canadians celebrated our Victoria Day long weekend last week. Usually, this would mark the beginning of our cottage season...but, high water and threats of snow flurries (holy macaroni! how weird was that???) scared us away! LOL
Blake and I took the kids up to my mother in law's cottage this weekend and we opened up. It is always so much fun to go up to the cottage the first time of the season...It always feels like I was just there yesterday even though 7 monthes has passed. We did the usual cleaning up of mouse poop, fighting with leaky pipes and water pumps and dodging black flies. We had some boat trouble and hopefully that will all be worked out soon.
My Mom and Dad have a cottage directly across the river from Blake's family. That's how we met actually...he was the boy next door. LOL He is the 3rd generation at his cottage and I am the 3rd generation at mine. We watched eachother waterski as kids, play volleyball at picnics and passed eachother probably a million times at the marina....but we never met...May 19 marked our 18th anniversary of meeting and this summer we will celebrate our 15th wedding anniversary. It was on Victoria Day and my 2 sisters and I had our cottage to ourselves...we were 'bonding' because Kari was about to spend the summer in Germany on a university work exchange. We had been there all weekend and on Sunday night we were sitting on the point having a cocktail when we realized that the crazy guys across the river were setting off fireworks and playing some great music. My sisters and I debated for a while and finally decided to go across the river and meet the neighbours...afterall, we had just run out of beverages...LOL
We pulled up to the dock and what to our wondering eyes did we see? Five really, really, really cute guys. And boy were they happy to see us! LOL I distinctly remember hearing one of them say "hey, that boat is coming in here....and there's women!" LOL The rest as they say is history. I fell in love with the guy around the campfire as he did his best (worst ever! LOL) impression of Louis Armstrong singing What a Wonderful World. My sister Kari ended up marrying Yuri one of the guys on the dock and Jodie and one of the other guys are still great friends and dated for a long time before parting ways.
Yuri actually proposed to Kari on the May long weekend about 15 years ago...he did it in front of all of Blake's relatives and all of our friends, cousins, aunts, uncles, my youngest sister, mom and dad and even my grandmother was there.
It always amazes me that we never met as kids, but I'm so glad we didn't...we just found eachother when we were ready one night way back when and there were fireworks...literally and
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