Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Catching up After a BIG Weekend

Hi All,
Wow, what an amazing weekend...when I last left off it was Sunday and we had just finished our 2nd full painting day. Dave and Martha host a BBQ at every seminar and ours was on Sunday night. It is so much fun...after painting together for a few days everyone is comfortable with new friends and having a relaxing dinner together is great. Often we get to meet spouses and other family members who have made the journey to seminar. We also get to snoop...LOL

Dave hand Martha open their home and we get to see the hundreds of paintings hung on every spare square of wall and sitting everywhere. Talk about inspiring! Ok, confession time...I had a brain fart and forgot to become obnoxious paparazzi at the BBQ...soooooo, I'm going to show you pictures of the Jansen's upstairs and paintings from my seminar last July! LOL

VGB, I couldn't resist this shot of Dave's upstairs office...So I'm not the only one who leaves my brushes in water...unfortunately, I don't manufacture them....hmmm LOL

I did take a few shots of the classroom before I went to bed on Saturday night:

There is nothing being spoiled at a Jansen seminar...Martha, Dave P., Kaitlyn, and Jessica take such good care of us all day. Martha feeds us breakfast every morning, a beautiful lunch and snacks all day. I don't think any wish or want is overlooked and she makes it look so effortless but I know how much at work she puts into it... What an incredible hostess. She even finds time to chill out with Bacchus.
Bacchus, Maggie and Kaiser (the dogs...forgot a shot of them!) keep us all company throughout the day, hanging out in the studio and snoring while Dave is trying to teach.

Dave P. and Jess took some time during lunch to fulfill their role as 'the marketing team' and put together an updated catalogue of all of the DVDs, books and wood that we could shop for.

Paul and I got up REALLY early one morning and at the behest of Martha ran some of the new Heritage MultiMedia Acrylics through the paces. All I can say is WOW!!!!!! I can't wait!!!!! They are absolutely amazing....

Thank you Martha it was an honour to play with it.

Here are some paparazzi shots of my new friends in class!

Louisa and Jessica.
Dorothy. She is a triple crown winner in doll making! Her faces on Father Frost and the Santa were beautiful.
Betty AnneAbi
I left for home on Tuesday morning so I stayed up on Monday night and finished my box and Santa Claus. I really love them. I think these Santas will become an annual thing for me! Creating a collection would be wonderful. I brought home 7 blank Santas so that I can teach a class myself. I'll be taking a look at the calendar after I post this blog so watch our website if you're interested.

Well, it was a wonderful weekend and I can't thank Dave and Martha enough for their generous hospitality and wonderful class. I still can't believe that Dave and Martha arrived home from Japan on Thurs. morning at 3am, I arrived at their house at 6:30pm and then class began Friday morning at 10am. They had jetlag and must have been exhausted but made everything look so easy and smooth. I had so much fun with my classmates and managed to create something beautiful and learn all at the same time. I love to learn with DVDs and take online classes but there is nothing in the world like a real live class....Now the countdown begins for National in Peoria. I can't wait!

1 comment:

  1. Georgia,

    I have never taken a class with David, but your knack for storytelling and great photos made me feel like I was there! Thank you so much!
