Thursday, April 16, 2009

Colour Theory and Colouring Books!

Ok, so the studio was a lovely, creative mess today! If I waited for a time when the studio was spotless to shoot a picture...well, you guys may never see the place. LOL Rachel posed with my exercise sheets so I could take the photos.
Lynn and Pauline recently completed the Traditions Modules ABC and now want to venture into the world of painting alone and designing. So today we began some colour theory experiments and exercises. We spent the day talking mother colour and colour screams...oops, I mean colour schemes! We worked extensively with the limited palette and had lots of 'aha' moments and solidified a lot of the information that they've been studying for so long in the manuals.
It was fun, we painted a chart that had all of our colours and then showed them toned with different earth colours or toner choices. Later in the day we took a simple colouring book line drawing and created a palette for it...wasn't as easy as it sounds! LOL
And in between all of our hard work, we even solved the problems of the world and determined the next winner of Dancing with the Stars. LOL
We're going to expand on the colouring book exercise next week and learn to create our own palette and this time control value and intensity as well...well hopefully!
The very first picture is of Pauline and her very first portrait that she painted way back in 1974...I think she did an amazing job considering she couldn't have been more than 5 at the time!

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